Customer Testimonials

Over 5,000+ active installations and satisfied customers.

At Cooney Engineered Solutions we’re not only interested in shipping parts. We’re interested in developing lasting relationships with our partners that deliver real value.


What Our Customers are Saying


Active Installations



Marriott Philadelphia Herman Goldner Freeze Block Testimonial
University of Pennsylvania Freeze Block Coil Testimonial
Touzour Trane Energy Systems Freeze Block Testimonial
Siemens Delaware Engineering Freeze Block Coil Testimonial

Freeze Block™

University of Pennsylvania Freeze Block Coil Testimonial

“We originally thought the coils ruptured when we found a patch of ice on the floor of the air handler. We were very happy that when our system failed, our coils did not rupture. Instead, the relief valves had discharged and when we thawed the coils they went back into operation with no leaks. We are happy that we went the extra mile and protected our HVAC coils with the Freeze Block technology. This event made believers out of us.” 

Freeze Block™

Marriott Philadelphia Herman Goldner Freeze Block Testimonial

“These air handlers were a constant nuisance for the client; coils were rupturing every year. Since installing Cooney Freeze Block in 2011 we have yet to see a failure on any coils that were replaced by Herman Goldner Co., Inc. This product really does work.” 

Freeze Block™

Marriott Philadelphia Herman Goldner Freeze Block Testimonial
Mike Morton, Senior Sales Engineer

Suburban Community Hospital

“The Freeze Block™ coil has proven its value to our hospital. In the past, I had a mix of mostly standard coils and a few Freeze Block™ coils. During a recent deep freeze, every standard coil in a pair of air handlers ruptured.


The only one left standing was the coil we had converted to Freeze Block™, it did not rupture. That moment showed us firsthand that this technology works. Not only did Freeze Block™ prevent costly damage and downtime, but it also gave us peace of mind.


We are now transitioning all of our coils to Freeze Block™ technology.”

Cooney Thermo-Pack

Cornell University Cooney Thermo-Pack Testimonial
Frank Perry, Thermal Distribution and Hydroplant Manager

Cornell University

“Cooney Engineered Solutions worked with us and created what we wanted. The condensate sub-cooling and how cool we can get the condensate is great. We’re getting more heat and that’s a big factor with any kind of hot water conversion, to be more efficient”

Freeze Block™

Marriott Philadelphia Herman Goldner Freeze Block Testimonial
Bill Artosky, Vice President of Sales

Tozour Energy Systems

“Water can freeze and rupture a coil in minutes, often faster than you can respond to a freeze stat alarm, the Cooney Coil helps eliminate this issue, as well as potential flooding and the associated damage.”

Freeze Block™

Penn Medicine Lancaster Heath Hospital Freeze Block Coils

“They [Lancaster Rehab Hospital] called about a coil rupture on Unit #1. When they got there we found out the Freeze Block opened and saved this coil. First experience with this and I am thrilled with the results. The freeze stat failed to operate.”

Freeze Block™

Siemens Delaware Engineering Freeze Block Coil Testimonial

“This product did what we hoped by protecting our steam coils from rupturing and kept the heat on as a result.”

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