Rep Locator
Welcome to our Rep Locator, where connecting with a Cooney Engineered Solutions’ rep to address your HVAC needs is made simple and convenient for you.
Our industry-leading representatives are well-versed in our innovative product offerings, including Freeze Block, Smart Coil, and Thermo-Pack. They can help guide you to the solution that best fits your unique requirements.
Cooney Engineered Solutions’ representatives are located throughout the United States and Canada. Our network of reps is broken down into two categories: replacement coil reps and new equipment reps. If you do not see a representative for your location, please contact Cooney Engineered Solutions directly at (610) 783-1136.
Cutting-Edge Heat Transfer Technology
We provide innovative HVAC coil and heat exchanger technologies to the market through our network of industry leading representatives. Check out our latest advancements and solutions.