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Cooney Engineered Solutions Showcases Heat Transfer Solutions at IDEA2023 Conference

by | May 11, 2023

Cooney Engineered Solutions, a leading provider of heat transfer solutions for district energy users, is excited to be exhibiting at the International District Energy Association’s IDEA2023 Conference in Chicago. The conference will take place on June 5-8, 2023, and provide a platform for district energy users to access information about new products, services, and trends in the industry.

Cooney Engineered Solutions is dedicated to developing new technologies that meet customer needs more efficiently and effectively than ever before. At IDEA2023, Cooney will present a range of products designed to help customers get the most out of their operations. This included their latest offering—the Cooney Thermo-Pack—which offers significant cost savings through its use of sub-cooling shell and coil heat exchanger technology.

“We are proud to be part of this event,” said Evan Jones, Director of Key Accounts at Cooney Engineered Solutions. “At CES we strive to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to providing our customers with cutting-edge solutions that maximize efficiency and productivity in their operations. Our presence at IDEA2023 is an opportunity to showcase our commitment to this mission while also networking with industry leaders and innovators from around the world.”

Visit booth #117 to see how Cooney Engineered Solutions can help district energy customers save energy, reduce maintenance, and avoid downtime. Attendees can see a live demonstration of Freeze Block™ Coils, which are designed to prevent ruptured coils caused by freezing. This technology is ideal for district energy clients who require additional freeze protection while transitioning from steam to low temp hot water. Attendees will also be able to learn about the newest packaged heat exchanger skid, the Cooney Thermo-Pack, and how it benefits district energy customers by reducing their thermal footprint, minimizing maintenance, and saving space.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to network with industry leaders and innovators from around the world – register for IDEA2023 today!

The Cooney Engineered Solutions team is looking forward to meeting you at IDEA2023. We hope you join us! For more information about the conference, please visit To learn more about Cooney Engineered Solutions, please visit

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago at IDEA2023!





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